Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Post Op Check Up #2

Friday August 15th I went in for an appointment with my surgeon. I had gotten myself stressed that my breast were not healing right, so they worked me in for an appointment. Having never done this before sometimes you just need someone to say "Hey, things are going great. No worries." So that is what I got. He is very pleased with my healing and progress. I still have the same physical limitations set by the Dr, but feel better and stronger every day.

Thank you for all your help, support and continued prayers.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Post Op Check Up # 1

I had my post op appointment today. The physician's assistant said that everything looked wonderful and was healing well. She removed my three drains. I can drive, walk or ride a stationary bike but to be mindful that my body is working hard to recover. I can continue on no lifting and nothing strenuous.

I feel great! I get tired easier than normal and am stretching out my tummy. All things considered I feel very blessed. Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers.

love and prayers,