Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dr Patt Visit Today

I visited Dr. Patt today. I have been taken off of Tamoxifen (half a dose is not adequate) - and I was still pretty miserable. I was given a Lupreon shot to stop my production of estrogen for three months. I'll do this until I have my ovaries removed. I also will start a new drug called Arimidex. It is for post menopausal women.

I had a follow up CT to make sure everything is as good as it was before chemo. I now have another bone scan. This is to see the bone mineral deposits, because now I have a greater risk for osteoporosis.

Monday the 28th I have a 3rd visit with a reconstructive surgeon. I also have an appointment with my ob to discuss removing my ovaries.

I continue to do research and pray. I have school schedules, insurance deductible time lines, and many other things to consider. It is overwhelming! But I can do it. It will all work out fine.

Thank you for your continued love and support!

Three Types of Reconstruction

Here are the three types of reconstruction as I understand them and related to my situation.

Tissue Expander- the original incision from my mastectomy will be reopened, a tissue expander will be placed under the pectoral muscle. The tissue expander is a very sturdy, empty implant with a rubber access like the Port a Cathe. A month after it is placed under the muscle, expansion begins 50cc a week until the desired breast volume is obtained. Then it must be in place for four months before a second surgery is done replacing the expander with a saline filled implant. Then a month later a nipple is constructed on the breast. Tattoos are the last step- it takes about three trips to complete. All three surgeries are done as out patient surgeries and each last less than two hours.

Lattisimus Dorsi Flap- this surgery uses the muscle, fat, and tissue from the back. It is tunneled under the skin to where the breast will be reconstructed. The skin, muscle and fat would stay intact to the original blood vessels. Mine would require a tissue expander so start that process all over- fill it, replace it, nipple, tattoos. The first surgery requires at least one nights stay in the hospital. The surgery itself would take under three hours.

TRAM Flap- Transverse rectus adbominus musculoctous flap- uses muscle, fat and tissue from the woman's abdomen. The flap may be either remain tethered to the original blood supply and be tunneled up through the chest wall, or it is completely detached and formed into a breast mound using microsurgical techniques. This would require five nights in ICU and be a long surgery.

Reconstructive Surgeon Visit #2

I went to a second reconstructive surgeon today. He as very nice and professional. He said I did not have enough skin to choose the surgery that uses a tissue expander only. He suggested the Latissimus Dorsi Flap procedure.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Reconstructive Surgeon Visit #1

Today I visited my first reconstructive surgeon. He was very nice and informative. There is a lot to wrap my brain around and think about. He felt that I was a good candidate for any of the three types of surgery.

I have cut my Tamoxifen dose in half. I still have vertigo but I can drive and function. I wonder if I'll get adjusted to the "rolling feeling" while loading the dishwasher, switching laundry, bathing a child, or just generally what I do in a day.

Thank you for the continued prayers. I am ready for closure with this journey but need to be patient.

Love and prayers,


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lif is a Gift from God, Cherish it, Live it!

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is a beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is life, fight for it!
-Mother Teresa