Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Darth Vader and Little Anikan Skywalker had a great time walking around our block Trick or Treating! Thank you for all of your prayers and kind words!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Well, I have given you all kinds of medical information but I have not told you how I feel. Before the diagnosis I was positive there was no way I could have breast cancer. Then I would feel angry. How could this happen? Of course, I was scared. Now that I have been diagnosed with breast cancer I am shocked! Once I caught my breath, I have tried to maintain a positive and faithful attitude. I am so grateful to my ob for finding my lump. I am so grateful that it is not a death sentence to have breast cancer. It does however change my life. I am so grateful for all the prayers, kind words and offers for help. I feel so blessed to have so many loving offers given and prayers said on my behalf. Thank you so much!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Upcoming appointments:

October 29th, 2007 - Meet with Cardiologist for echo cardiogram

November 2nd, 2007 - Follow up appointment with Oncologist

November 5th, 2007 - Follow up appointment with Surgeon

Surgery to be scheduled....

Chemo - to follow four weeks after surgery


Dr. Debra Patt - oncologist

Dr. Kevin O'Farrell - surgeon

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How my walk began....

October 4th, 2007- Annual ob check up- Dr. found lump in my left breast.

October 4th, 2007- Mammogram - found additional mammogram was needed

October 16th, 2007- Mammogram and Ultrasound found biopsy was needed

October 18th, 2007- Biopsy- 9 samples of tissue were taken for evaluation

October 22nd, 2007- Results from biopsy- it is cancer

October 22nd, 2007- MRI- no other cancer cells in breast, lymp nodes clean, found spot on liver

October 24th, 2007- Meet with oncologist, Dr. Debra Patt

October 26th, 2007- MRI of the liver, CT Scan, Bone Scan- found spot on liver was not a concern, no other cancer was found